Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday Jo and Mo and me went to the zoo. !I thought it cost money but snuck in and then Jodi told me what a idiot I was for trying to sneak in when it was free). It was a bit of a let-down because I wanted Mo to be totally into it. While she got pretty excited a few times, she got really excited about the bright yellow M+M machine.
Since we are gone a lot, Mo sleeps in a pack-and-play about 4 nights a week. I love to get her up to bring her home because she falls right back to sleep on my shoulder. It's great and I don't want the music to ever stop. She also does it after naps except she is ussually crying and then you get in there and she frantically gets her Naa-Naa so that the parental unit doesn't leave it behind. Then she puts her ehad on your shoulder and pats your back. I don't knwo why she does that, but it is absolutely wonderful.
Come over sometime and I'll show you hours of child-footage and slide-shows. I'm such a dork.
Brian McLaren is helpful

Thursday, December 28, 2006
Merry X-mas

What did you get for Christmas? I got a bad attitude. In fact, from now on, I want to be called B.A. Baron. I'm going to paint my VW black with a red stripe and I refuse to fly. I don't really have a bad attitude, but Jodi and I are trying to figure out the whole Christmas thing. Luckilly, Mo is young enough that we didn't have to have everything worked out yet. By next year though, we will have to have a plan and carry it out maticulously. It's obvious to me that we are going to screw her up. She's either going to grow up a socialist, or rebel and become a republican.
I do think that how we handle X-mas is going to have a great impact on how our kids see the world around them. I pray that we do what is right and not just react to problems we see. Any theories out there on how to handle Christmas? I've heard a bunch, but I'm still looking for a good one. Even my idea of gathering up presents and burning them in the front yard lacks the full life-lesson and teachable moment I'm looking for.
By the way, I have the same problem with birthdays. In many other cultures, the birthday boy/girl gives presents rather than receives them. I just can't shake the negative feelings. Think: Healthy balance of tradition with prophetic voice.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Some New Music in 2006

I have found out about soem cool bands this year and wanted to pay homage to the bands and to those who turned me on.
Mark Kozelek/ Sun Kil Moon/Red House Painters -- Jonanthan turned me on to this band and later I saw him in Ann Arbor. He was great, but he yelled at a guy for talking during the concert. It was odd. Very quiet. My friend Sid got turned on too and we went to the show together. The first time I heard them on CD, we went to Jonathans' girlfriend at the time, Justine's Cottage. Jonathan and luke and i played beer-pong late into the night. Thanks for the referal.
Iron and Wine- I think I heard I+W before, but maybe not. Again Jonathan turned me on. My friend Sid is also a big fan and we have swapped CD's before. I think Wayne is a big fan too but we have never listened or discussed together.
Wilco- Donald Miller mentioned them in one of his books, but then I saw them at Farm Aid a couple summers ago. But then Jonathan gave me a couple CD's and I really got excited.
Grateful Dead- I had never heard of this band before this year, but heard them on the radio. They seem really interesting and I think I'd like to go see them. I hope they are touring this summer and I think I'll drive and go see them. I heard the lead singer only has 4 fingers on one of his hands and that there is some ice-cream named after him. They sound like a heavy metal band, but they aren't.
Sandi Patty- This music blew me away. She is really talented and uses the gift that the Lord gave her to praise His name. I love to sit in my apartment and crank her up to "11" and lay face down on the ground and cry and laugh and sing. If I ever get to see her live, I'll pay whatever it costs. I wonder if she tours with the Grateful Dead?
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Prarie Home Companion

Another interesting thing about an actress in the movie: Meryl Streep. Jodi told me last week that MS has anal cancer. I didn't even know you could get "anal cancer". That's not a cancer joke, but it is odd. I have been watching the movie for about 45 minutes now and can't figure out what the movie is about. Wasn't that a happy and positive post? I love being alive.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
What Calvin has to say about Emergent

Missed my Connection

Monday, December 11, 2006
Quit wasting your time reading this
Some interesting topics.
1. all masturbation is wrong and is fornication
2. people aren't being healed because they don't have enough faith.
3. alcohol is poison
4. Brian McLaren is a false prophet.
5. Christian is posessed by satan himself.
I must get back to the work of the people. sorry so short.
46Jesus replied, "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them. Luke 11:46
23"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former. 24You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. matt 23:23-24
Saturday, December 02, 2006
A Positive Blog Post

Monday, November 27, 2006

Incomplete Church

I've got your "dry spell" right here!
Tonight I want to write about a lot of different things, but I will not. I am going to write about a men's retreat that the Lord told me I should organize and that you should go to if you have the necessary equipment. It will be a John Eldridge Retreat about becoming more masculine and how to get your wife to do what you want her to... HaHa. Just kidding. It will be on modern day apolegetics and how we can defend our faith from the secular humnanists that attack us every chance they get. Just kidding again. Those would both suck although if I combined the two could make a lot of money from good Christian men who are trying to do what they think is right. And maybe they are.
But this retreat will be a dialogue- buzz word for emergent- Christs' words. I got the idea from a few things I've been reading as well as my friend Keith who is always trying to read the Bible in order to live a better life. (seems pointless I know, but he did go to a Baptist Seminary). I think this will be a good retreat because it will allow for the men on the retreat to spend some time laughing and in silence and in contemplation about what Christ actually said (or at least the account we have of what he said). I've never looked at the scriptures like this and I'm excited to do so. I hope to implement a few experiential activities to help the men think through some issues that come to light to enhance discussion and understanding.
The interesting thing about this retreat is that I am not really an expert on any of this stuff and hope that my friends will come out of obligation so I can spend time with them. Two years ago I led a similar retreat except that most of the time was spent making home-brew and playing poker. This retreat will not incorporate any beer making, only beer drinking and poker later on Saturday night. It should be enlightening and if nothing else, fun and a respite from "normal life". I will hope to contact a few of you to help in the learning process in areas where you are gifted. Wayne, you have a special gift when it comes to understanding and communicating church history. I hope you can come and teach us a bit on the authority of Scripture and how the cannon was formed. Keith, I think you'll be the only pastor. When i have people whimpering from my emotional talks on important discussions, you may need to pray with them and give them good council on what to do now. Also, I don't know how versed you are in lection divina, but maybe you could help lead that too. Chad, you have a very important part too. (I don't think you even read my blog though). You need to bring the poker chips. Juanito, I want you to go because you are so smart and funny. I will even give you $5 off if you promise to be your ussual cheerful and funny self. The date of the retreat is January 4-7. Hope to hear soem feedback from you folks.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
End of the War
I have been reading Merton quotes to post in blogs that I write. I found this interesting and complex. As our gov't tries to figure out what to do in Iraq now I find myself embarrased to not really know how different governmental processes work. When I listn to Diane Rehm on NPR, I am constantly reminded of how stupid I am concerning these things. The topic yesterday was about what to do now in Iraq. This week I read in the Press our 3 options of Go Big, Go Long, Go Home. So I thought i'd comment on my ideas of what to do.
After 911, I was pissed. I was convinced that we should go after somebody. First Afghnistan and then Iraq fed this anger or as Merton calls it, "the passions and energies of war". But as things progressed and things didn't really turn out as pleasant and cut and dry as I had planned, I started to wonder what the hell we were doing. Then I started looking for somebody else to blame. I have learned a lot about what I think about war in the past 6 years but haven't really figured out what to do in Iraq now. I was speaking with a friend yesterday about this and I said that we can't just leave, but I don't want us to stay either. How are we going to get out of there and not screw things up further?
The answer I have come up with is "I just don't know and I hope somebody else does". So, you have now just wasted a few minutes reading this and hearing no clear conclusions. Hope you're happy.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
"Letters from a Skeptic"
My point about this book... Boyd is a professor of Apologetics and the book was written in 1994. I skimmed the book but got a pretty good synopsis of it. My question is this: "What the hell are we supposed to be doing?" This is pretty important to me. Much of my "Christian" life was devoted to making converts to Christianity so that the goats don't go to hell. In the past 3 or so years I have rejected much of what I believed or at least much of what I care about that I believe. Are we supposed to try to change people's minds about God (this is what i used to do) or do something else? Is that we we are supposed to do?
Th obvious other option is a social/works based gospel or some kind of combo. My ultimate question and point in writing this blog is getting my thoughts on paper to try to figure out what I think. What place does apologetics have in my life. Have I bought into a social gospel so much that I may shy away from sharing any kind of apologetic with people I know? Am I more interested in right action or right thinking? What is God more concerend with? I am not even going to get into scripture because I don't think I can be objective. I guess what it boils down to is (I thik I was the first onw to ever ask this question. If somebody has already thoguht of it, don't tell me because I want to live life thinking I really contributed to the progress of man) "What is the Gospel?" What is the "good news"?
If I can't answer this, then how should I think about evangelism? If the good news is changing someone's mind, then what is the best way to do that? Obviously, brain-washing! We should be having brainwashing conventions to change how people think. That doesn't sound like America (or does it?). The only worse thing than being an atheist is being a communist, right (or being gay as we talked about before. We have chosen some pretty arbitrary things to despise in my opinion).
Obviously, I am not an advocate of a mind changing gospel (though I think there may be a place in the Church for mind altering subsatnces). But, do I believe there is anything worth fighting for in terma of the doctrine? What are the things that I care about enough to try to change somebody elses mind? I can't say nothing because I love to tell Chrisitan's that they are wrong on so many issues. Do I think a person needs to believe in the virgin birth in order to be saved? What about the resurection? What about the Bible? Although I definately have my opinions, rarely do I give them. I just don't see the point.
So here is my final paragraph which is supposed to persuade you to think how I do. I think God wants us to do what is right- which isn't news to any of us who suffered through Sunday School. God cares more that we do what is right than that we think right. If I show people how to love others and how to serve others and how to prophecy for what is right in this world, I am carrying out the gospel. If this is true, then can Muslims carry out the gospel? Can Budhists? Can communists? Can Homosexuals? Can I? If these people can live the gospel, then will they experience salvation? I hope so or I'm screwed.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Reading Again
Thanks to my friend, Keith from work, I have again found the love for reading. I don't think I even knew that i had lost it, but after reading the first chapter of "The Church on the Other Side", I remember how excited I used to get. I think this is McLaren's 2nd book and is about 8 years old but it's still pretty good. I wanted to post a few thoughts I have had while reading the first chapter.1. I love to read. As I stated earlier, reading is fun. In the middle of the chapter I went to Amazon and ordered two books that I've read but have lost: New kind of Christian and A Generous Orthodoxy. I'm going to let our room mate Hilary read NKofC because I think she'll like it.2. What do I want church to be? I had an interview tonight on the phone for this men's retreat I'm going on. (I'm not excited about it. In fact I'm nervous I'll hate it. But this "interview" made me think maybe it won't be as awful as I'd thought). But the guy, Bob, was asking me about things that I want to "work on" while I'm on the retreat. He didn't mean like a craft I found out but instead meant "emotionally". This made me nervous of course but I told him I wanted to wade through some of my discontent and skepticism aout the Church. So he asked me what would I like to see change within the church. I said I would like to see the Church become and authentic community where people's ideas are valued and celebrated. After I had said that I remembered readin in their brochure that they believe that when we are critical about something that it is ussually something we dislike in ourselves. I don't know if I believe that, but maybe in this instance it is true. In what ways am I un-authentic or disingenuous? (I'm thinking right now). Aaah. I want people to think I am all about social justice but when it comes down to it, I do just as little as anybody else. In fact, I hate this about myself and have tried to change it. I think this woudl take a radical life change. Most of my life has been about meetings with people and spending time hanging out. (Maybe there isn't anything wrong with this). I wonder how much of this I would need to give up? What do I need to sacrifice to prove to myself (and if I'm honest, prove to others) that I care about bringing God's justice to Earth?I actually had more thoughts than these, but wanted to highlite things I found telling and meaningful. I'll try to write more tomorrow.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Blogg Blogg Blogg all Day Long
I'm listening to Over the Rhine right now. If you haven't heard them before, check them out. they're from Cincinatti I think and are wonderful. Have you ever heard of Danzig or Metallica? They are a lot like those bands only, it's a female singer and it's mostly accoustic with a much jazzier feel. OTR is also exactly like Judas Priest except it's a husband and wife who sound wonderful and inspire me to do great things. Oops, the CD just changed to Grasshoppah which is a local GR bluegrass band (well, they used to be local but now moved to Portland with the rest of the hippies and artsy types). I do love music though and I need to give Kudos to my attractive and single co-worker who introduced me to some great music.
I want to write a bit about some things going on in my life. Lately, I have been very assertive and have been welcoming conflict of any kind. I ussually am pretty passive because I'm always afraid that i'll hurt people's feelings but for the past few weeks I have bot really cared about people's feelings and have been letting people how I feel before they are really even interested. As a Christian, peacemaker, and idealogical pacifist, this is a problem. I don't think I've been so called "sinning", but I haven't been too interested in trying to nurture people or really help them along in their lives. I think it's because I've been waiting to find out about a job in New Orleans that I have interviewed for. The pastor keeps saying, "We're close to a decision and I'll call you on such and such..." But then such and such a time comes along and he doesn't call. I'm sure there is a good reason, but I'm not really very sympathetic. So there is this anxiety about moving and working for the church again and doing youth ministry again and so forth. But I don't want to say, "Sir, please stop telling me you'll call me on such and such and then not call me on such and such. It makes me be mean to people and I am a pacifist and don't want to get into a fight because I'm anxious about wether or not I'm gonna get this job and I don't want my wife to hate me because I tell her that she 'needs to replace the shower curtain before I get home'". You can see my dillema.
I'm now going to tell you what I think about youth ministry and about the church. I started reading a lot of, so called "Emergent" literature, about 3 years ago. It was reeally nice and enjoyable because most of the books I read were all bitching about church and about people who are dumb and I really resonated with their complaining. I think I like to feel like I know more than everybody else. That's why I like bands that nobody has ever heard of and why I like Emergent stuff and why I am a Christian who doesn't like church. I can sit back and think..."Those dumb-asses. Can't they see what's going on. Judas Priest is so 20 years ago. Let me tell you about Wilco. Those evangelicals are so behind the times. Don't they know that Billy Graham knows nothing about post-modernism?" It's a sickness, this "I'm smarter than everybody" mentallity. But, as you know, "I'm down with the sickness". But back to what I think about the church and about youth ministry.
I wonder if Jesus has self-image problems with his Body. I always think about how stupid the disciples were and how they just screwed everything up. But if Jesus was irritated with his dim-whitted followers, how annoyed and dissapointed he must be with the Chruch today. (Another of my issues is seeing things as all good or all bad). Major issues in the church today I think Christian's are on the totally wrong side. Abortion, homosexual marriage, stem cell, social work, yadda, yadda, yadda. Most times I'm embarrased to be a Christian because of what people think of when I say I'm one. When I became a Christian, I was excited and thought how fortunate I was to be name "Christian" rather than "Muslim" or "Hindu". I'm seriously thinking about going by Chris again.
Youth Ministy: I wasn't sure what to do with all the Emergent stuff because it really changed how I view the Church. I find small churches much more beautiful than large ones. I don't think Emergent is saying big is bad, but what I value about church ussually manifests itself in small settings. But this Chruch in New Orleans is very small and I wonder how a youth minstry will function in such a setting. I don't really have any better ideas than anything else anybody is doing, so I suppose I'll just do that but do it "correctly". (See above paragraph on being smarter than everybody). I'm also nervous that after working with the kids from Wedgwood that I won't know what to do with "normal" kids. Maybe being this comfortable talking about masturbation, digital penetration, and anal insertion won't come in very "handy" (masturbation pun) in a youth group setting. I'll also be pissed if I start telling kids that they're in their offense cycle or to take a time out. These are the things I worry about while I'm waiting for the pastor to call.
I guess that wraps it up. Thanks for feeding my ego by reading what I have to write. i covered more controversial topics this time but probably won't get any "hits" because this post doesn't have any big names/themes in it like: Brian McLaren or Rob Bell or Nancy Pelosi or or Jerry Falwell but I guess I have plenty of time to talk about these things as well as James Dobson and Marilyn Manson and global warming.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Ramble... Ramble... Ramble...
For my first Blog, I want to write about a mens' retreat that I went on. I need to preface things by saying that I hate men's retreats and that I am more skeptical of these type things than anyone on the planet. But my best friend Erik asked me along. I thought I could get out of it by saying I can't afford it, but he said He'd buy making it nearly impossible for me not to go.
So I went. It was very strange. They did things that made me uncomfortable and at times made me wonder if it was damaging to me and the men. But it was really good. It's very secretive (which I hate and am skeptical about) but I can tell you that it helps men uncover issues from their past in an attempt to change their present and future. One of the techniques they use is something called Theophostic Prayer. I watched men process very painful things in their lives in order to try to change thmeselves. It was very tiring and painful to watch and to participate.
My issue to work on was my disdain for the Church and for God. It was kind of hard to do partially because I think I am pretty disconnected from my emotions on these matters. I really weanted and needed to think things through. But since I have thought about this stuff a ton and know how screwed up it makes me, I was mostly just able to view how i saw the world in order to understand myself better. The best part of the weekend for me was to be affirmed and blessed. I have issues with self-loathing and confidence and it helped me to feel better about myself. This is always good unless you're a narcicist. (I work with some narcicists).
The other thing that was so nice was getting to see into the mind of my friend Erik. If anybody has a reason to hate the Church or God it's him but it was so great to watch him work through his stuff. He is an inspiration to me. But I feel really connected to him because the environment smelled of truth, love and authenticity. Men were real. Erik was real. I was as real as I could be. The danger of this kind of set-up is that men feel compelled to follow along and be real. It breaks down any barriers that they might have in order to get to the root of issues. This could be used for great strides in men's lives or deep deep regressiona nd pain. A few times I almost left because I was so scared of what was happening. But like Aslan, it was terrifying , but GOOD.
Later I'll get into the good stuff like homosexuality, racism, sexuality, the poor, atonement, the resurection, Brian McLaren, and Jerry Falwell. But that's it for tonight.