I haven't posted in a couple days. I've been responding to all the comments on my latest controversial blog post.
Tonight I went to youth group at the Episcopal Church I got hired at. I was wondering beforehand about whether or not I'd be able to relate to "normal" kids after working for three years with boys who are in residential treatment. But I can!!! I had a good time. In fact, Wedgwood has helped me I think. I think it helps me look at "normal" kids in a different way. To understand them and their behaviors a little bit more. I am reall a sociologist. I enjoyed watching dynamics in the group and trying to guess what their parents did for a living or how many siblings each youth has. I also enjoyed observing some of the young men and their insecurities and how they tried to cover them up. We had about twelve kids and the only ones who went to the same school were a brother and sister. Very starnge dynamic.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007

Well. Good News. I was offered a job tonight. The Episcopal job that I had applied for a few months ago opened up this week becuase the candidate they hired over me is moving out of the state. Pretty odd turn of events. I think it will be good for me. It will be part time for now so I'll continue to work at Wedgwood. Maybe someday it will become full time. Maybe not.
I have been wanting and planning on seminary either this fall or next, so this job should still allow that to happen. I'm pretty excited and will probably tell you about it twice unless you stop me. I'm going to find out a lot more about the Episcopal church in the next few months.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Strenght and Weekness of the Gospel Message

A smart man once said,
"This understanding of the secret message of Jesus makes sense of a number of odd details of the gospel story, such as why the resurrection of Jesus wouldn't be miraculously broadcasted to millions as irrefutable evidence of Jesus' legitimacy. Can you see it? As soon as the evidence becomes irrefutible, it takes on a kind of domineering power-- the kind of force so effectively yielded by principalities and powers. INstead, in keeping with the kingdom of God's secret, paradoxical, and apparently weak power, the first in on the secret are a few women-- unacceptable in their day as legitimate witnesses in court-- vulnerable people who can easily be ignored and dismissed by those who prefer the status quo, the powers that be, the systems and regimes that function as "kingdoms of this world." These humble women will be believed only by those who want to believe, those who freely choose to believe".
--Brian McLaren "The Secret Message of Jesus"
I am not saying that apologetics are not necessary, but I agree with my friend Wayne who explained that his apologetic for the resrrection was to strengthen the faith of believers rather than to convert those who haven't been enlightnened. I often hear people (even friends I respect) suggest that books like "A Case for Christ" or any of the 100 strands of this series are a good place for "un-believers" to start to explore Christianity. I'll bet that it has been good for some, but just find that as we move away from a cerebral gospel (modernism) and into an experiential gospel (post-modernism) these type books will become less and less important.
What say you? Any D. James Kennedy fans? Josh MacDowell? Lee Stroebel? What are your impressions of this topic?
"This understanding of the secret message of Jesus makes sense of a number of odd details of the gospel story, such as why the resurrection of Jesus wouldn't be miraculously broadcasted to millions as irrefutable evidence of Jesus' legitimacy. Can you see it? As soon as the evidence becomes irrefutible, it takes on a kind of domineering power-- the kind of force so effectively yielded by principalities and powers. INstead, in keeping with the kingdom of God's secret, paradoxical, and apparently weak power, the first in on the secret are a few women-- unacceptable in their day as legitimate witnesses in court-- vulnerable people who can easily be ignored and dismissed by those who prefer the status quo, the powers that be, the systems and regimes that function as "kingdoms of this world." These humble women will be believed only by those who want to believe, those who freely choose to believe".
--Brian McLaren "The Secret Message of Jesus"
I am not saying that apologetics are not necessary, but I agree with my friend Wayne who explained that his apologetic for the resrrection was to strengthen the faith of believers rather than to convert those who haven't been enlightnened. I often hear people (even friends I respect) suggest that books like "A Case for Christ" or any of the 100 strands of this series are a good place for "un-believers" to start to explore Christianity. I'll bet that it has been good for some, but just find that as we move away from a cerebral gospel (modernism) and into an experiential gospel (post-modernism) these type books will become less and less important.
What say you? Any D. James Kennedy fans? Josh MacDowell? Lee Stroebel? What are your impressions of this topic?
Thursday, February 15, 2007

I've been learning more about lent this year. I'm sure I'll learn even more since we are a part of an Episcopal church and since w e plan to attend much of the lenton "to-do" that will go on at St. Andrew.
The past few Lenton seasons I have focused on fasting (actually that's all I really knew that you were "supposed to do"). But I've given up alcohol before and meat and maybe even pop one time. Those things have been good I think. But I've struggled this year to figure out what to fast from. I wonder if I'll get some guidance this week at church or on MOnday at our pot-luck (It's a kick-off to Mrdis Gras I think).
But what am I going to do about charity and prayer?
Charity. Here's kind of a weird stroy/situation that has happened at our house in the past couple days. Our roommate Hilary asnwered the door (because Jodi and I were still sick). A man wanted to know if he could shovel the sidewalk and parking space for money. Hilary came upstairs and asked if I had any money. I told her that I didn't want to pay somebody for work I could do myself. (I also am always skeptical of door-knockers in my neighborhood because I never know what their motives are). So Hilary told the guy she didn't have any money. he said he was going to shovel anyways. After he was done he came to the door and asked for payment. (This is why I'm skeptical). Hilary is wonderful, but I think sometimes not very assertive and I think she was kind of taken advantage of, but that's beside the point. She asked me if it would be safe to write the man a check. I said, "No". But she did and the man went away happy.
The next day he returned (at 10:30 pm) and said he couldn't cash it because of banking problems and wanted cash. My friend Keith pointed out what kind of person goes back to a house of a sidewalk he shoveled at 10:30 pm for $5. In my neighborhood, you can bet it came in the form of crystalized cocaine. But, she wasn't home so I told him he would need to come back later. He came back the next morning and Jodi answered the door and told him he would need to come back later. he came back the next day when I got home from work and wanted the $5. I want to be charitable, but this is rediculous. It really bugs me. i guess it's good lent hasn't started yet.
Prayer. I have never been a guy who prays in a conventional manner. I think about the Kingdom often throughout my day and ussually read something or write something (which I consider prayer) but don't sit down with my "Keys for Kids" or "Our Daily Bread". I just don't work that way. But I need to try to figure soemthing out here for lent to try and make the time special somehow. I'll keep you informed.
By the way. I talked with the priest at our church today to find out about seminary for this fall. He's going to look into it for me which is great. I'd be so stoked if it worked out to go to New York or Chicago. JOnathan if you're reading this, that would be cool if we were both in Chi-town.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
My Wife Loves it When I'm Stinky

Here is an article I read on CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/02/08/men.sweat.reut/index.html
Are you kidding me? Jodi, let's join the Y. Can anybody substantiate this claim? We want details.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Best Show Ever!!!

Have you seen Arrested Development? It is seriously the funniest show of all time. It's funnier than Seinfeld, Cheers, Family Guy, the Simpsons, Small Wonder, and even ALF. I'm not going to post a lot on this, but if you ahven't sat down and watched the whole first season, then you need to. I can think of no better way to spend your weekend than by renting Season one discs 1 and 2. You MUST watch them in order so go to blockbuster or put them on your netflix. By the way. This picture is Tobias and he is a "never-nude"-- he can never be nude. he wears those daisy dukes all the time even in the shower. Any fans who have a favorite episode or charachter are encouraged to comment.
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