Tuesday, June 26, 2007

W's "Pro-life Policies

This is an article by Obery Hendericks. He writes for Sojourners from time to time. I figure it's time to get back on the horse and start bashing Republicans and silly Christians again. Here is the article in it's entirety. http://blog.beliefnet.com/godspolitics/2007/06/obery-hendricks-the-height-of.html

Obery Hendricks: The Height of Hypocrisy
This week President George W. Bush ceremoniously vetoed a measure promoting embryonic stem cell research that could help to relieve the suffering of millions, declaring that the bill disregards the sanctity of human life. "I will not allow our nation to cross this moral line," Bush said.
It is hard to believe that this pronouncement could come from the mouth of a man who has shown a frightening disdain for the sanctity of human life for the entirety of his career in elective office. Here are a few of the examples of George W. Bush's lack of respect for human life that I document in my book, The Politics of Jesus.
While governor of Texas:
· Bush signed more death warrants than any governor in the history of this nation, at times mocking those he condemned to death, according to conservative commentator Tucker Carlson; at the same time, he was vetoing legislation that would have guaranteed effective counsel to those accused of capital crimes, even though the lawyers of the Texas Defender Service denounced the Texas courts as "a thoroughly flawed system."
· Bush actively fought against a program passed by the Texas legislature to provide medical coverage to the 500,000 poor children in the state who lacked it. After five years of his active opposition, Bush succeeded in reducing the number of children covered by the program by half, despite his certain knowledge that his actions would result in death and terrible suffering for an unknown number of innocents. All this while he fought for a $2 billion tax cut for Texas' richest families and a $45 million cut for the oil and gas industry, with this explanation: "These are tough times for the oil and gas industry."
As president:
· Moments before he was to appear on national television to announce his declaration of war on Iraq, Bush was caught on tape pumping his fist as at a sporting event, declaring, "Feels good," in what the journalist Paul Waldman called "a glimpse of the president's vulgar callousness."
· He not only sent thousands of Americans to their deaths based on lies and knowing deception, he was caught on tape laughing about it at the 2004 gala of the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association, in a skit in which he looked under furniture and behind curtains and joked, "Nope, no weapons [of mass destruction] over there… maybe under here?"
· On national television, in the hearing of children, he has openly and gratuitously vowed not to neutralize or capture individuals he calls by name, but to kill them.
· He publicly gloated over the killing of Saddam Hussein's sons and, in a particularly macabre moment, allowed their mutilated bodies to be put on public display.
There is little question that Bush has exhibited less respect for human life than any president in memory, including Richard Nixon. But what is more troubling, if that is possible, is Bush's apparent sense that he can deceive the American people with impunity, as if we will believe that he cares about human life simply because he says so, no matter that his every significant policy decision shows that to be a lie.
What is more troubling still, however, is that thus far he has been right—at least with regard to a sizable number of Americans. As long as Bush cries crocodile tears for the unborn—and now the unformed—too many Americans will fail to hold him responsible for his reprehensible disdain for the suffering of innocent children, women and men throughout the earth. And he will continue to make moral pronouncements to mask his immoral policies.
Obery Hendricks is past president of Payne Theological Seminary, an ordained elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and the author of The Politics of Jesus: Rediscovering the True Revolutionary Nature of Jesus' Teachings and How They Have Been Corrupted.

I've recently (in the past 4 years) come to a different understanding of the term "pro-life". The word is so loaded anyways, but I find it strange the people who use it as their battle cry. These folks often have the "I support our troops" stickers or the "W" sticker. Or you hear them talking about justice for the murderer or sex offender. It's just so strange that these folks don't really value life like I do. They value life when it is convenient. When it suits their purposes and agendas.

I don't know much about stem cell research, but I know which side I'm "supposed" to be on as a Christian. I guess I that since I'm not really sure though, that I'll rebel and react to what the right is trying to persuade me to think. This is definitely a flaw of mine, but it has worked out pretty well.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Nick and Baby Smiles

My friend nick got married this weekened. He is one of my bestest friends and I was happy to see him get to marry such a wonderful woman. Here are a few thoguhts about the event and the sub-events surrounding it.
1. His bachelore party was fun. We went camping. They had this game called "corn hole" or something though that may have been a made-up name to make me look stupid.
2. The rehearsal was fun. The wedding was at a church in Holland. This church was very beautiful. Sort of. It was also kind of repulsive. Very large and lots of grass and ponds and water fountains. I know you also have to sign a waiver stating you won't drink, or smoke, or swear, or vote democrat or stray from Jesus view of homosexuals. That's all true except for most of it.
3. The wedding was very nice. I did do something really stupid though. I always try to be a smart ass and try to make people laugh. During one of the photos we were not supposed to laugh. So I said, "just think about the war". That made everybody laugh... except the Vet fresh home from Iraq. He's a good guy and I wish I could have talked with him more though. Mayeb just to prove that I'm not a total a-hole. NIck wrote a speail song to his Katie. Nice weddings where you know people love each other make me think about Jodi and how much I love her. This was one of those weddings.
4. At the reception, Gretta smiled at me. It probably was because of my sharp and whitty sense of humor. Or.. because it felt good to poop. Who knows for sure?
5. My friend Erik is coming from Chicago this weekend. We are going salmon fishing. I'm stoked.
6. We have been getting peppers for a while now. I brought some over to the Somali family. They weren't very friendly. I also brought them eggs.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Camino de Santiago

I am in the beginnning stages of planning a trip to Spain for the youth of my church. The trip will be a religious pilgramage that pilgims have been walking for over a thousand years. James, the son of Zebedee, apparently is buried in Santiago which is where the pilgrimage ends. It is also the Western "end of the world" for all during the middle ages. The plan would be to take about 6-8 youth to Spain to walk 100 km of the walk. The trail is actually much longer, but you need 100 km in order for it to officially be a pilgrimage. We'll also do some other sightseeing, butthe walk will take about 6 or 7 days. I'm enjoying the beginning stages of the plan.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Bored with Blogging

Hey. I haven't blogged in a while. I think I'm tired of making controversial posts. But I can't think of anything else to write about that anybody would be interested in. Maybe I'll just say some things I'm thinking about.

1. Can Christianity exist without a group of us trying to change the minds of the world. Can it exist without using violence and intollerance? Can we live in peace with others who believe differently?

2. How serious am I about trying to live simply? How willa church respond to a youth director who calls for students to live simply?

3. Can I live without polarizing myself from other groups. Canb I live in peace with anybody? Am I a person who knows no other way than to thrive on conflict?

4. I watched "I Heart Huckabees" last night with Jodi. It is really really funny! It also asks some good questions. Are we all connected or are we all seperate entities? Mark Wahlberg is very funny in this movie.

5. Do I have what it takes to be an Episcopal priest?

I plan to figure out the answers to all of these questions this week. I'll let you all know next week what I have discovered.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Bawk! Bawk!

We got chickens. Friday we bought 4 new pets. We will eat their eggs. I wish I had a digital camera so I could show you the work I put into prepping our yard. Mo loves them and liked chasing them when they got out. The cops told me to get rid of them when I was chasing them around the neighborhood. But I'm a rebel. I gave the cop the finger and told him to get rid of his own chickens.
We are hopefully going to have lots of eggs. So far we have collected 2 and they have laid at least 3. (They ate one I think ). Apparently chickens will eat anything. Some people say they are better than pigs for disposing of wasted food. We really like them.