I went to the "Y" today to play basketball. Everything went well until after I was done playing basketball. I have seen some crazy things as I do bed checks at my job, but what I saw in the locker room was truly terrifying in a "this is normal?" sort of way. I guess I haven't spent much time in locker rooms. There are men in the locker room with enormous... bodies. Probably from lifting. But I'll tell you. The last thing on my mind is starting up a conversation with a stranger while I'm totally nude. I'm not making accusations here about anything. But I am saying I kind of go out of my way to be discrete. I understand that this is kind of how things are in the womens locker room. I don't know what that says about me, but it's cool. Next time I guess I'll see if I can go in the girls locker room.
One more thing. I think I've changed a lot since high school. I remember me and Tom Potgeter sliding around on the shower floors after basketball games. It was like a water slide, only way more fun. Jodi is aware of this because I had to tell her about it. It's how I caught the "clap".