Thursday, July 24, 2008
Bounce Around the Room
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pissed Off Jesus
I have thought a lot about the cleansing of the temple. Here are a couple thoughts.
1. I don't think he struck anybody. -When I think of violence, I think of striking another human. Though he was pissed, he never hurt anybody physically. However, this still doesn't make sense for the upside down kingdom that I was talking about because he used force to bring about change.
2. I also heard an explaination of the story where the author did some hocus pocus with the Greek explaining that it was less violent that many of us understand. - I don't know Greek so I wasn't very interested in what the speaker or writer had to say. I've been around enough preachers to know that the "actual translation" is going to support whatever their interp is anyways.
3. The story is true, but metaphorical (or more than true as Marcus Borg would say). The importance and value of the story shouldn't be on whether or not he actually used a whip or hit people or was cursing. The truth in the story is that he was pissed about people marginalizing the people and selling forgiveness. The Temple leaders were profitting on the sins of humanity and whoring out a sacred and holy place. The story could include Jesus poking people in the eyes three stooges style and wiping boogers on them and the importance would still be on how God wants reconcilliation and redemption to be carried out and how to not carry it out.
But maybe I'm wrong. This is actually possible and quite likely as I'm wrong a lot of the time. But the non-pacifist Jesus doesn't make sense to me. It did for a while, but now it doesn't. If I'm wrong, I'll be damned...literally. but if I'm right, then the mean Jesus people will be OK as well as the pacifist Jesus people. That would be beautiful.
She asked and I don't quote: Was Jesus really a pacifist or what do you think a pacifist looks like?
But I'd describe the pacifism of Jesus as a paradigm/kingdom that flipped the tables on our understanding of power and relational systems. This is described well when Jesus talks about how to treat our enemies "turn the other cheek", "walk with the Roman soldier 2 miles", "love your enemy". A practical example from the scriptures are the stories of the woman caught in adultery and when Peter cuts off the ear of the soldier in the garden.
Monday, July 21, 2008
I've been trying to figure out how to process being hit in the face. Violence is such a weird thing. I'd like to point out some feelings I've been having and then write about what I think they mean.
1. Pitty/compassion- The individual that punched me has I'm sure been the victim of violence many times. I genuinely feel bad for this young man. It isn't fair that he has never been shown how to process strong feelings of anger and dissapointment. It's painful to think about this soon to be man's future. He will most likely wind up in prison.
2. Anger- Though I am aware of the cycle of abuse passed down from one Dad to his son... it has now been passed down to me. And that sucks. It brings out angry feelings that I haven't felt in a long-long time. My anger is something that effects every relationship I have I think. I either take up the victim role of a person who deserves and demands your pity or I take on the role of the asshole who deserves and demands your obedience and respect.
3. Helplessness- As I have been re-discovering my idealism about life in general, I find myself in a strange spot. I am a man who is aspiring to live a life filled with peace and grace. So I wonder if pacifism can really work. In the job I'm in, is there any other way to help young violent men deal with their issues? How much can a person take before he can no longer be compassionate and must now move on to try to bring about the Kingdom in another area?
4. Hopelessness- As I try to figure out what to do next, I realize I don't have a lot of marketable skills for a new job in the state with the second highest unemployment rate in the US. So I suppose I'll stay in my job to try to be an agent of grace not because I choose to, but because I must. Speak Lord for your servant is listening.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The Heart of Christianity- Marcus Borg
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sigur Ros
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Story Time
Today I read stories to high school and middle school youth from my church. Well, it wasn't really "stories", but a part of a story. I am very inspired since my mission trip and started a book study with my kids to get them excited about serving each other this next year at youth group. We are reading Donald Miller's book Blue Like Jazz. It is very good. I have read it several times and am still amazed every time I read it.
So, I got a rocking chair out, made some cookies and got some millk out. The kids sat around and listened to me read two chapters of a book. Some of them made artsy things and some of them just sat and listened. It was very beautiful. They seemed to really enjoy being read to.
We talked about how we imagine God to be like. Is he white? fat? loud? angry? etc. Some people drew pictures of God. We also talked about "sin nature". Miller seems big on this. I'm not sure of The Episcopal Churchs' stance on the original state of humans with their/our sin, but I must say I flip flop. It's not important I guess though. I agree that we are all broken and need to try to become whole or whole-er.
I'm excited for chapters 3-4 next Wed.