Well... I bought my first Oberon today. I haven't partaken yet, but will tomorrow. My friend Jay the hippie says that he doesn't like wheat beers. I don't really either, but I really like Oberon. Apparently Oberon is one of the moons around Uranus. Ummm.... Before it was a moon, it was the name of the king of the fairies.
I can't wait to be on a picnic this summer and to cozy up with the fam and enjoy a few brews while I watch the kids play. Well, Justice won't be doing much. Enjoy the summer and I hope we can sit down soon and enjoy one together.
I can't wait either. But isn't it just officially "spring" as of a few days ago? hee hee
I'm actually looking forward to hanging out in my BEAUTIFULLY new fenced in back yard and chillin' while momo plays in her TOTALLY AWESOME new sand box that her VERY MANLY PAPA made for her. We are so loved (momo and I) to have you in our lives to build us stuff like that:) And I get to watch plants grow that we planted and YOU built the bed for!
What a weekend! You're AMAZING!!
Christian, I haven't heard from you for a while I miss you man. Do you and Jodster and Mo want to come over for dinner next Wednesday or Friday? If that wont work we will have to hook up the following week.
I hope all is well with your new job and everything. I was thinking if I landed a job at a church and I had a friend who was in the same line of work I would invite them to come and check it out sometime. ;)
Hey Jodi. You are correct in complimenting me on my carpentry skills. After-all, my boss is a Jewish carpenter.
Wayne- I'd love to have dinner with you guys. I need to check the calendar. As far as being invited to my church, I'm Episcopalian... We don't invite people to church. Seriously, you can come Easter if you want. Or some other time. Easter is ussually hell, fire, and brimstone week at our church. Just kidding, it will be on the metaphoric importance of the ressurection.
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