1. I have been feeling very patriotic lately. Well, I know I am a patriot, but not in the same way as somebody who would have a "I'm a patriot" bumper sticker. It's truly amazing to me that we elected a man (yes, he's black, but more than that too) that I trust. I have never felt like I trusted a president before (even when I voted for men who have won). I suppose this is setting me up to be disappointed, but I genuinely think he will do what is best and just. Not always, but most of the time.
2. We woke Montana up to see the Obama Speach at Grant Park. She was excited about Mr. Barack Obama. I hope she remembers the night. I regret not going to Chicago.
I don't have much else to say. We are contemplating a party on Jan. 20 to usher in the 44th President of the United States. Want to come?
Yes, I'll be there. With my party pants on:)
I too have been struggling with this emotion that I think is explained as patriotism, but I'm not sure as I haven't felt it much in my adult life. In fact, the "patriotism" I felt growing up I don't think was true patriotism but fear patriotism...as in, "I'm glad I was born here and not there."
I too have huge hopes for Mr. Obama and what this administration will do for our country. I couldn't help but get emotional as I reflect on the meaning behind the first black man being elected president. The first black family being residents of the white house who aren't servants EVER!!! It's really just so remarkable. And that it is THIS black man, this time in history, this election.
I was saying the other night while watching Will.I.Am sing one of Obama's speeches that there will be many great, historical speeches coming from this administration. I think you said, "families will gather around the television and radio to hear the president talk again."
A comedian, on the eve of the election, said that he hopes McCain will win because Obama doesn't produce much material to make fun of...
But seriously...I feel hopeful and proud of this moment in our history as a nation.
And I join with millions who...HOPE!
I wonder if we'll be the only ones watching the television or listening to the radio. I don't think so, but I'm so jazzed about Obama thet I can't imagine anybody not being excited.
I loved what you were saying about the Obama's moving in as the first black family to not be servants. Huge!!! This is what makes me proud of my country. I love to tell the boys at work how much I love America. (well, the USA)
i remember us having a conversation two years ago about the possibility of Obama ever becoming president. i didn't think America was ready, but you had this itching feeling. Thanks for giving me hope!
i'm still in shock.
I honestly don't remember the conversation... but damn am I smart? Who wooda thunk?
you really are a prophet!
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