Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Summer is Officially Here!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Total Depravity?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Good Friends
This weekend we got to see some of our good friends. It's always nice when you get to hang out with good people and enjoy good conversation.
Wayne and Erin came over on Friday and we had Pad Thai. It was delicious. Jodi really made spectacular batch. Then we sat back and talked quite a bit about theology. Wayne is one of my favorites to talk about these issues with because he's not afraid to tell me when I'm full of crap or just plain wrong. We also talked about taking a class at Western Theological together this fall. That would be good so I could copy his notes when I skip class. It was also nice to see Erin. i don't think I have any readers who this would spoil their news so I'll say that Erin has a womb dweller living inside her. I almost started crying when they told me and I don't know why. Driscol would have a hay-day with how feminine I am.
Then we saw our friend Chad and Jodi. They were in the hospital because Jodi had twins Saturday. We didn't see the young ones yet, but I'm excited to get a glimpse. Jodi is such a stud. She was walking around and you couldn't even tell she had babies taken from her body a day before. She even had a C-section. Yucky. Nice work Chad and Jodi.
Then we went for dinner with Jay and Amy. They are our hippie friends. We went out for Indian food. They offer a buy one get one free beer on Saturdays. Can you believe it? We also had good conversation. It's always fun to make camping plans and beer making plans with these kind folks. We really enjoy their company.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sucked back into Negativity and Darkness
Not really. But I watched this movie tonight and it was really depressing. If you get a chance to watch it, take the time to do it. It was alarming. I was really concerned about the info on "BGH" (I think that is the acronym for Bovine Growth Hormone). Turns out every time I give Mo a little glass of milk it is really bad for her. But can I afford to pay $6 a gallon for organic? Do I have a choice?
I didn't understand all of the info about owning every aspect of the earth. They talked about owning water and the rights to water and owning air. I wonder if this is how Native Americans felt when we came and started possessing land. (I hope that wasn't insensitive to anybody. If it was, it was not on purpose). If you have seen it, do you think this is something high school aged kids could handle. Social Justice issues are spread throughout the film. Lemme know what you think.