Sunday, April 08, 2007

The "Fix-it-up-Chappie"

I blogged last week about the guy who tattled on me. He was pretty clear in his last e-mail that I am not a Christian. This got me thinking about the Sneetches. I love Dr. Seuss. Well, I really like him. It brings me back to a convention I went to a couple years ago in San Diego. It was a convention put on by Jerry Falwell and Chick Tracts. As I was reading about the "Death Cookie", it made me think... Just kidding. It was an Emerging Church Conference.

A pastor and author named Doug Padgitt did a session on rethinking theology or something like that. I'll try to be honest about how I felt during the session.

1. I felt naughty. Seriously. Most of what I had been taught about Christianity this man was saying wasn't important. That's not totally true. My judgment is that he was saying, there are NO BOUNDS to the faith.

2. It was kind of an awkward time as well. I remember during the Q+A time feeling very awkward. Some people were pretty hot and I remember feeling sorry for Mr. Padgitt and wanting to make peace and smooth things over. But this got me thinking about what I DO believe are bounds for the faith. I have totally figured it out now and want to tell you exactly what God wants you to think on this issue.... heehee. Just kidding.

3. For some reason, when I think about the picture in my head about this topic, I think of railroad ties. I think of this inanimate object called "The Christian Faith" that is in a box with Railroad ties for its boarders. Isn't that weird? I have railroad ties in my backyard and i think about Doug Padgitt when I'm gardening or picking up trash. Or watching my daughter play in her new sandbox.

4. This did get me to read some other books that have been good (I think) for my spiritual formation. One was called "If Grace is true, why God will Save Every Person". Sounds scary doesn't it? It isn't. Though I am not a Universalist, I hope that God will indeed save every person. Even by this statement, I kind of mislead about my thoughts on salvation in general. Sozo (Thanks Rob Wondergem) -- or salvation-- comes in many different forms. This is where redemptive theology comes in. We can offer salvation to those around us as Son's of God. Yes? Not the kind of salvation that most think of when they hear the word, but a salvation from many things, mostly ourselves. Or from loneliness. Or from self-destructive behaviors. or from consumerism. Or anything else that opposes the true kingdom.

So to try somehow to connect the EC and Sylvester McMonkey McBean and Chick Tracts, and Sozo: So, in the parable of the Star Bellied Sneetches, Who is who? (Should that read who is whom? or whom is who?). Who is the exclusive group and who is trying to fit in? I guess it doesn't really matter because both groups are victims to their own desires. And victims to an outside force who has come to exploit. Nobody would really believe that McBean is a literal figure, but instead an evil force. (just kidding. That was for Oscar). The point is, McBean came to kill and destroy. And the sneetches fell for it... but in the end, they were all still redeemed and relationship was restored.


Jodi said...

"He was pretty clear in his last e-mail that I am not a Christian."
Wow! This guys' got some powers that he can "know" your heart? How arrogant to think that by reading someone's blog (a few entries at that), emailing a bunch of bogus questions, and half reading any responses given by you can give him any sort of grounds to base his judgement on. I'm amazed that someone who has claimed to "know" scripture as well as this creepy-stalker guy does, he has such a distorted view on some very basic Christian principals of faith.
Mainly, "judge not lest ye be judged." Sheesh.
Anyway, I love this post because it deals with Dr. Suess & Doug Padgitt in the same breath.

journey of the discontent said...

Thanks Jodi. It's cool. I am really trying to figure out how to live life and be a Christian with somebody who denies that I am one. It's a difficult task. I probably haven't responded in love in some of my comments and responses. I really don't know if it would have made any difference. I talked with my friend "Stan" tonight about this exact topic. How can I accept another persons point of view when their stance is to exclude mine? I'm probably the first person in the history of man to wrestle with this issue.

White Rabbit said...

Your understanding of salvation is refreshing. You're right, we've focused so much on heaven, hell, and the afterlife that we overlooked the the implications of salvation for our everyday lives. Jesus said, "i've come to give you life and to give it to you more abundantly" which means that we can all be rich if we just have enough fa...

wait, wrong thread.

We need to be saved from more than just "hell" and "hell" is more than just a place in the afterlife. There are many things we need to be "saved" from, most of which we wrestle with daily.

journey of the discontent said...

Keith- Thanks for the compliment. I'm probably wrong. It was good to talk to you last night. I hope your family is doing well. I can't wait to get a beer with you at Eddie's bar in Baldwin. Maybe I'll take you to the Bitely Tavern for some Backwoods culture.

Jodi said...

Ahh, bitely! I have so many fond memories of the Baldwin/Bitely area. Remember the raccoon hunters?