Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jesus loves the little children- but Bush doesn't?

Well, maybe the title isn't fair. But isn't that what it looks like? Bush says he will veto a bill expanding the State Children's Helaht Insurance Prgram (SCHIP). The program would offer insurance to more children who are not necessarily under the poverty line but who cannot afford insurance.
The proposal will cost 35 billion over the next 5 years. Bush supporters will say that he should wait till SCHIP is more efficient and streamlined. They will say that they want the plan to be more refined so it doesn't allow for abuse. "We want good intel." "We don't want to waste money on something we aren't sure will work out."
I am not a wild spender (well with my own money I may be). In some ways, I am conservative on how I think the gov't should send our tax dollars. But isn't it ironic that Bush is deciding to be "responsible" on the backs of the poor children of the US?
This is all coming out about SCHIP at the same time Bush is asking for $55 billion more for the war in Iraq. Thank God we got the intel right on that and that we aren't losing millions of dollars to abuse over there to no-bid contracts and crooked military folks who administer money as they see fit with no accountability for the funds they dish out. I don't want to hate Bush, but it is sooo hard not to. I wish it was harder.


So... this is interesting. If you don't know what "Blackwater" is, then you aren't paying attention. Check it out. I heard about Blackwater last year during the election for governor last year. My friend Jay told me about them. Here are some interesting things about Blackwater
1. They are a mercenary group which is hired for private protection in volatile areas. The obvious hot spot right now is in Iraq. Here is my understanding, and I'd love and welcome correction if I get the facts wrong.
2. They were started by one of the Prince kids from Holland. Erik Prince went to Holland Christian and was/is a Navy Seal. His father is very rich and he used some of the family money to start a training school in S. Carolina to train these mercenaries.
3. How I understand it, they don't have to follow the same rules of engagement as the military and don't really have to follow and rules at all. I think they get their license to practice mercenary type things from the State Department and don't really have to follow Iraqi law.
4. So when they kill at least 11 civilians and Iraq says they must leave, they don't have to listen because they don't really answer to the Iraqi gov't. It's a sweet deal for these businessmen. They can keep their constituents happy and safe because they can carry out operations and violence that not even our military can. They can guarantee safety because at any hint of danger, they can start blasting. The problems with this are obvious.
5. Dick Devos's daughter is married to Erik Prince. There is a lot of Michigan money tied up in this whole thing. A lot of West Michigan money. Two families from our area that are very influential and thought of highly.
I wonder how the U.S. will handle this. The Press today interviewed a "senior military official" that said that this most recent scandal was bigger than Abu Graib. That's frickin' scary!
This is the scariest part:
"Meanwhile, the State Department interceded in a congressional investigation of Blackwater last week, ordering the company not to disclose information about its Iraq operations without approval from the Bush administration."
Well, if we can't trust the Bush administration to give it to us straight, then who can we trust. I'm sure Cheney will look over the material and let us know exactly what we need to know.
God save us from this war. Give us a way out that will glorify you and waste as few lives as is possible. Help us to love our enemies and to do what is right for all involved rather than seeking our own benefit.

Friday, September 14, 2007

St. Benedict

Jodi and I are in a vocational discernment program to help us figure out God's calling in our lives. We are trying to see if God would have us go to seminary to become an Episcopalian Priest. (Turns out Jodi is also feeling a call to either the priesthood or to become a Deacon. That's exciting too.) It is a frustrating and exciting time. We have already met for two weekends, and will meet for six more before the end of the year.

IN many ways I feel like this program is just a hoop to jump through, but when I am thinking clearly and not defensively, I am able to notice how good it is for me. Much of the discernment is helping me to focus on the internals of my life rather than the externals. As many of you know, I have focused on the externals for a LOOOONG time. So it is hard for me to change my patterns of thinking. I'm really learning to notice how I am responding in certain situations and how I need to listen and be still more. It's liberating.

The people in the discernment program are great. I would work with any of them at any time. We went out for drinks last Friday. Well, they each had a drink, and I had a couple. I was thirsty. But we had a great time and we laughed a lot and talked about the future. I think they will all make wonderful Priests or Deacons.

One of the classes is on Benedictine Spirituality. I was nervous it would be boring, but it is actually very interesting. We have a devotional (it's actually called a "rule") that we read each day and then journal about. Turns out I like to journal. The Benedictine Rule has been pretty interesting. Today's rule was about leadership and what Benedict's take was. If you get a chance, pick up a copy of the rule.

I also saw a movie today. It was called "Super Bad". It was funny but very vulgar. I wouldn't have paid to see it if I knew what it would be like. It's more of a rental movie which is too bad. I never go to the movies anymore. I went with my friend Matt. Then we went and got pizza. Jodi is in Florida with the girls. I miss them.