Saturday, November 24, 2007


I have successfully aligned my chakras and have become one with the world. The positive energy now flows freely through all 5 chakras and my spirit is free.

Well, I don't know about that, but I am much happier today than I was a couple years ago. I spent several years in desolation after moving back from the U.P. In fact, I was sort of insane for a few years. It didn't help that my job at Wedgwood was highly stressful emotionally and physically. But I seem to have come through on the other side seemingly stronger.

I was reading a book about the Rule of St. Benedictine. One of the chapters was on hospitality and prophecy. I though it was weird that the two chapters were together but the author explained well how they were linked. (you'll have to read the book for a good explanation too). But as I was reading this chapter on hospitality, I was reminded of how passionate I was for being hospitable. Especially int he last 2 years, I have kind of lost that passion and desire. But now it seems to be rising up inside me again. I believe that because of my much healthier mental state I am able to reclaim gifts, desires, and passions that God placed in me. It's hard to explain, but this is such an exciting time for me. I honestly wasn't sure if I'd ever snap out of this funk, but now feeling these very natural feelings, I am reminded of God's goodness in my life. I spent far too long being genuinely wounded and spent a large portion of time feeling sorry for myself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still righteously cynical, irreverently prophetic, and sarcastically reflective. These things may change as I continue to seek the God-life, but until then, I'll embrace these wonderfully awful characteristics.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Bye-Bye Alligator"

"Bye-Bye Alligator". This is what Mo is saying to try to mimic her mama or "mapa" (My papa). She really is pretty sweet. She's also been going potty on the big girl potty regularly. She's only pooped on the potty once. I think she's scared.
Grandma Grace Baron died last week. She was a good grandma. Mo liked to hang on the side of the coffin at the visitation. She did it at least 3 times and I had to shoo her away from it. It could have been pretty awful if something would have been wiggled free.
I had hoped to go hunting this year, but looks like it won't work out again (sorry Keith). We're just too frickin busy.
I've been kind of obsessing about my own death today. If this is my last entry, I guess I'm a prophet.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tubby Time

Better day today. Mo went trick or treating. She refused to say "trick-or-treat" until after we were done. Not even a spanking made her give in. I think her favorite part was knocking on doors. She loves to copy Papa. She didn't really get the candy exchange thing.
When we got home, she took a really long bath. I watched her and Jodi playing and giggling. She is so wonderful. She has learned to say "A-B-C". Nice work Mo. You are a prodigy.
I went to spiritual direction tonight. It was good. I really like the woman who directs me. I think it will be a great relationship.
When I got home Jodi and I snuggled on the couch. It looked kind of like the picture, except we weren't in the tub. I love the family guy and get to watch it every day on fox at 1:30 am. Peter is very funny.
Oh, I saw the guy in the whealchair again today. I thought about him all last night and a bunch today. My words were ringing in my ears repeatedly and I felt guilt over my dealings with him. "I can't help you" I shouted. Then today he motioned me to pull over as I was driving by. He needed $5 for a taxi to get to st. mary's for physical therapy. This time I could help him. I offered him a ride over there. He declined stating he couldn't ride with me for liability reasons. I gues I'm thankful that he is just looking out for my well being. He's probably been sued several times and can't risk another financial downfall. I felt justified in my anger is my point.