Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Bye-Bye Alligator"

"Bye-Bye Alligator". This is what Mo is saying to try to mimic her mama or "mapa" (My papa). She really is pretty sweet. She's also been going potty on the big girl potty regularly. She's only pooped on the potty once. I think she's scared.
Grandma Grace Baron died last week. She was a good grandma. Mo liked to hang on the side of the coffin at the visitation. She did it at least 3 times and I had to shoo her away from it. It could have been pretty awful if something would have been wiggled free.
I had hoped to go hunting this year, but looks like it won't work out again (sorry Keith). We're just too frickin busy.
I've been kind of obsessing about my own death today. If this is my last entry, I guess I'm a prophet.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

there were at least three posts there, man! Give us MORE!!!!