Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Why am I Surprised?

Well, I stopped getting so excited on this forum a while ago. I used to get all upset and lose sleep. Literally! I'd wake up and go check this bulletin board and almost enjoy the conflict. But I have started to look at it differently in the past 6 months or so. I rarely disagree on it and instead look for ways to get along and see commonalities in people instead of differences. It for the most part has worked. I sometimes still use my passing gear voice when I think I must, but have enjoyed folks on there much more this way. I'd actually say i have seen God much more in each person on here when I'm not focused on how I think their theology is wrong or how their worldview must be changed to mine. This is maybe an obvious way to live for many of you, but it has been a struggle for me.
Today heath Ledger died. You can go to CNN and read the story for yourself if you'd like, but the important thing for you to know to understand this blog is that he was in "Brokebackk Mountain". If you don't know what that is, you probably already stopped reading (like anybodie's reading anyways). It wasn't a GREAT film, but it was important I think. One of the most important films for me to see maybe ever. It was about two gay cowboys who struggle to figure things out for their whole lives. It's so interesting to watch different relationships within the movie and how difficult things were for both men. The reason it was important for me was because I don't have a clue about how difficult things are for people that are different from me. I don't mean like "i don't get you because you are a mechanic" kind of thing, but "I had no idea what things were like for you and really still don't" kind of way. It's more of an awareness of being un-aware kind of thing.
So, Now comes the part where I tie together the hippie board and Heath Ledger. Somebody asked if Mr' Ledger's death was God's judgement for trying to make homosexuality more mainstream and acceptable. I won't comment much more than this because I assume that those of you readin right now see things similarly enought to me that we can mentally look at one another and give a little wink. I'm now going to list a few things that Fundamentalists have blamed on homosexuals.
1. 911
2. New Orleans
3. The breakdown of the "American Family"
4. The feminization of the Church
5. Heath Ledger's Death
I'll say no more on this subject.


Catarina Wanderlust said...

". . .when I'm not focused on how I think their theology is wrong or how their worldview must be changed to mine."

Regarding this sentence: I just PMed Jen (Waldy) yesterday with this lengthy description of why I enjoy your posts so much (it's not gossip if it's good stuff, right?), and--after reading that--I feel that I should tell you. When I read your posts, I never get the feeling that you are trying to change any-one's mind, only that you want to understand the Whys and Hows of their theology. It's a refreshing change to see less "this is why I'm right and you are wrong," and more "well this is my point of view, what is yours?"
When I got to the quoted passage of this blog, it made me laugh a little because I honestly do not "get that" from your posts.

Back to Blog:
I don't think God does things like that at all. And if He does, then what was the point of His Son's Crucifixion? Ya know? Why pour His wrath on his Son, and then continue to pour it on us when we make mistakes? Didn't Jesus live, die, and live again because God knows that we are feeble, weak-minded creatures who struggle every-day with our mistakes and that we need every ounce of Mercy and Provision that God is willing to give us? I'm just saying, it is fundamentally contradictory to say that Our God gave His Son as a Sacrifice for our Sins, and then decided that simply wasn't enough; He must continue to punish us. Saying the sin of a group of people is what caused 9/11, Katrina, Heath Ledger's death, etc, is like saying "The death and resurrection of Christ was not enough to redeem the sin of those people." And that is a bunch of BS.

Jodi said...

That is very upsetting, indeed. I'll have to check out that thread later. What I'll say about this is that I will pray for Heath Ledger and his friends and family that were left behind. I wonder what "they" say of any of the countless actors/actresses who portray heterosexuality as a lesson in consumerism?

White Rabbit said...

gol, i didn't know all those things happened because of the gays. We need to pass some laws or something to make it illegal for gays to rent apartments and stuff. i guess that's the plan to get rid of the illegal immigrants. Might work for the gays too. Maybe all the gays will go to Mexico.

On another note: Glad you're blogging again. We need to reconnect.

journey of the discontent said...

cat- Well, thanks. That is what I'm going for but if you knew my inner thoughts, you'd understand more of my judgmental attitude and the yuck that consumes me. I do strive though to actually leave my judgments behind and see all as beloved and holy... which they are. Much of how I feel when I feel crappy about people is reaction to either things in my past or judgments about myself. i suppose this is true for most of us.

I totoally agree with your response to my post. It IS out outside the charcter of God to view humanity as shit. I do not view my own children as such and find it hard to believe that I'm better at being a parent than God. That's a simplified version of what I think, but you get the gist. (is that how you spell 'jist'?)

Jodi- yes. check out the thread. I was actually proud of most responses on there to the (perceived by me) hatred that the one person was spewing. We've talked about this already, but I really think I understand where she is coming from. It seemed hard for her to get past the homosexuality aspect of the discussion. The point (in my opinion) wasn't about homosexuality... It was about how God views sin. (not that I'm saying homosexuality IS sin). You know what I mean.

Keith- I'd love to hang out with you guys soon. I figured you had big-timed me now since you're the pastor of a mega-church in Baldwin now. What are you reading these days?

CMort said...

i know why it was the most important movie you have ever seen, cause you now know you arent the only gay cowboy out there....commonality among the folksies! (i know your steaming now about this whole comment, like being gay is such a bad thing....but its a joke, and you know me well enough...hopefully others can figure it out too)

jodi, that is a wicked, stick it in your eye comment that i think the church needs to be confronted with....quit the cherrypickin of issues and deal with all the issues equally.

White Rabbit said...

Yeah, all this fame is going to my head.

i'm reading "The Myth of a Christian Nation" by Greg Boyd and "Letters to a Young Evangelical" by Tony Campolo

What are you reading?

Steve said...

Since you just brought up the issue and assumed we'd all know your position, I'm just going to reply by assuming you know mine too.
