Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sucked back into Negativity and Darkness

Not really. But I watched this movie tonight and it was really depressing. If you get a chance to watch it, take the time to do it. It was alarming. I was really concerned about the info on "BGH" (I think that is the acronym for Bovine Growth Hormone). Turns out every time I give Mo a little glass of milk it is really bad for her. But can I afford to pay $6 a gallon for organic? Do I have a choice?

I didn't understand all of the info about owning every aspect of the earth. They talked about owning water and the rights to water and owning air. I wonder if this is how Native Americans felt when we came and started possessing land. (I hope that wasn't insensitive to anybody. If it was, it was not on purpose). If you have seen it, do you think this is something high school aged kids could handle. Social Justice issues are spread throughout the film. Lemme know what you think.


Anonymous said...

It sounds great. I hope to watch it soon.

Have you seen An Inconvenient Truth? We just got it through Netflix and have not watched it yet. Maybe we could watch something like that when we have you guys over. Will Monday work?

Jodi said...

I've heard that even though organic is twice as much, it packs twice the nutrition so it evens out, you know? Plus we're not pumping our bodies full of artificial crapola. I want to watch it though. Did you borrow it or rent it?

journey of the discontent said...

Wayne. I have not seen the movie. I'd love to see it. I will call you. I don't think Monday works for us. We go to my friend Jay's for dinner on Mondays. You guys could come to his house or we could reschedule or both.

Jodi- You pack twice the nutrition.

Steve said...

Looks really interesting - I'd like to see it (and an inconvenient truth). Where'd you find it?

journey of the discontent said...

My friedn Jay gave it to me. He got it from his church. I'm sure you could get it from Blockbuster, Family Video or any of the other corporate entities.

Wayne. Does next Thursday work? I have that whole weekend off. Jodi says I can't bring Jack with me or I would.

White Rabbit said...

How goes it Christian? Have you made this an open site to your congregation?

journey of the discontent said...

Yes Keith. Indirectly. I have started a new youth blog. I now need to watch my P's and Q's as they say. Want to come to Jay's house again on Monday? We're gonna eat about 6. Also, Thursday we're gonna brew again. Want to come?