Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Blogging's for Losers

Well, I officially have nothing to say but am going to blog anyways. Steve said I have to. Montana discovered the moon on the way to the U.P. We were in Houghton Lake and she wasn't sleeping though it was like 9:30 PM. She saw the moon and did her "Oh My God!" face. We couldn't figure it out at first, but then finally understood. So now she says "Moo" or sometimes "Moo--Nu". And since that time has often declared that she wants to see it at all times of the day. I tried to explain that the moon itself wasn't giving off the light but that it was instead reflected light from the sun. I think she got it but then asked me about the crescent. I told her I wasn't sure and she started to theorize that maybe it had to do with the triangulation of the moon and sun and Earth but then I stopped listening.

We went to Marquette to visit with friends and to go to the Hiawatha Music Festival. It was fun even though we didn't see much music. My favorite part was actually staying at my friend Luke's beach house. We swam and had a bonfire. It was very nice.


Hippie Christian said...

I am glad that you bolgged, it's good to read your thoughts and it is good for you too. Keep it up Bro!

It's funny that your blog this week is about the moon, my blog entry on Saturday is also about the moon... it has been thirty-eight years this week since Neil Armstrong first set foot there. I posted a link to a cool NASA photo archive and a few photos are on my blog.

Peace & Love!

Steve said...

Hey, glad to see you're back! I was beginning to worry that you'd gone all non-controversial or something.

White Rabbit said...

Great to hear that Montana has discovered the moon. It will be a source of joy for years to come. My kids love to discover "Luna" while it is still daylight. i didn't realize it happened so frequently until they pointed it out, repeatedly.

We call her "Luna", after the ancient Roman moon goddess. Do you think that's o.k.?

Doesn't matter...we're sticking with it.

Jodi said...

ahh, I posted about the trip too, kind of , only mine was about the death of our van.
Montana is so intellectual. She must get that from my side:)

Evergreen Covenant Admin said...

hi christian. go to juanito's blog and comment on the political post about socialism and stuff...because i value your opinion and i miss your sarcasm.

Christian and Jodi Baron said...

Kevin- Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I didn't know that it was the anniversary of the staging of the land on the moon.

Steve- I'll do the worrying about whether or not I'm controversial. You stick to what you know" The Baptist Church and crappy praise music.

Keith- There is nothing wrong with telling you kids that they come from the moon goddess. In fact it's quite normal for parents to try to trick their kids into believing things that aren't true. I have even heard of parents telling their kids that Santa Clause is real. In 15 years there will be a very rich and busy therapist who gets to handle your triplets.

Jodi- True. Very intellectual. She just "gets it".

Karla- Don't use my blog to propagate and propel your own agendas. I don't approve of your socialistic tendencies and neither would my grandfather who died at Normandy.

journey of the discontent said...

oops. the last comments were from me under jodi's account.

Christian and Jodi Baron said...

And your grandpa didn't DIE at Normandy...that joke only works in person you silly head!
P.S. just so you know, at the bottom of this section where you "leave your comment" there's a little sentence that says "you're currently posting as..." then it has what ever your name in in blue...if it doesn't say "Christian" then click on the blue link below it that says, "Use a different account."
I have to tell you EVERYTHING!!!!

White Rabbit said...

i'll just send my kids to the same therapist that all the kids in your youth group go to. Who was that again?

journey of the discontent said...

the kids from church don't need a therapist. They have me.

White Rabbit said...

i was sorta hinting that "they have you" is the reason they need a therapist.

White Rabbit said...

By the way, i'm settling down to watch "The Corporation" right now. i feel like i'm getting ready to hear the gospel for the first time.

journey of the discontent said...

True about needing a therapist.

The corporation is really good. Depressing and sobering. Please tell me what you think. You are going to make a great hippie if you keep up the hard work.

Do you have kids that would want to come on a retreat in the fall? You could bring them. Oct. 12-14

It could be really fun.

White Rabbit said...

What kind of a retreat and for what ages?

Christian and Jodi Baron said...

This is Christian-

It would be a youth retreat (typical) with fun and stuff. Middle and high school students. Oct. 12-14

Also, did you guys figure out for fishing? I need your deposit to send in. I'm hoping to have everybody's by Wed. so I can send it in. Call me if you need my address, or you can get it on switchboard. ($100)