Tuesday, August 28, 2007

7 Year Itch

As of August 26, Jodi and I have been married for 7 years. It's been great. Here are some highlights:
1. August 26, 2000. Jodi and I had sex for the first time. It was really fun and we decided to try it a few other times since.
2. Sept. 23, 2005. We had Mo. She is great. It has been fun being parents. It has changed our relationship but for the better. we both enjoy watching each other grow and develop as a parent.
3. May 12, 2007. We had Gretta. She is great too. She smiles a lot and poops less than Mo did. What a combo.
4. We have fought a lot. Jodi and I fight a lot. If you have spent any time with us, you know that. We piss off our friends often when we bicker in front of them. We don't know any other way to live though. I think the older we get the healthier our view on disagreements and how we handle them. We are both pretty sensitive and hurt each other's feelings often. but then we try out #1 again. Just kidding. i think we both have a pretty good handle on when we have offended the other and make ammends when we do. Thaks years of therapy!
5. Some of my favortie memories with Jodi are camping memories. I knew I found a great lady when she wanted to camp with me a lot before we got married. I think she just wanted to make out most of the time though. She is a good kisser!
6. Spiritual Journeys. Jodi and I have been through a lot together in this area. We both started out pretty screwed up by Fundamentalism and have now figured most everything out. Just kidding. We are still screwed up, but think that we have a healthier view of God than we did 7 years ago. This gets carried over into our daily living and how we view the world and how we parent. Thanks Brian McLaren, Mike Yacconelli, Rob Bell, Donald Miller, Josh and Kim Baron, Larry Bryans, Jim and Joan DeGraaf, Ed and Nancy Baron, Mike Fedewa, Karl Numinen, Allendale Friends, Erik and Beth Racine, RBC Friends, WW peeps, well, I guess pretty much everybody I have ever interacted with.
So, the bottom line is that we are happy. I think that's important. It's still hard to put up with each others' bullshit, but we do. And it's good. Thanks be to God for Jodi Baron.


Jodi said...

Hmm. I have a little different take on the highlights.
1. August 26, 2000: I married the man of my dreams and my best friend, whom I prayed for often before I even met. Having sex was a highlight because you waited for me, you showed me I was worthy to be waited for. Thanks.
2. Colorado with the girls from Youth. That was such an amazing time for growth and stretching for me, at least.
3. Our move to GR. Following such a tumultuous ending I really feel like that time (the time in TC then in Zeeland) was so key to our healing process. Then finding Founder's, Rob Bell, some of your profs at Kuiper, Rob Wondergem...those were really exciting things that happened boom, boom, boom. again, very integral to our healing. Mine and yours both.
4. September 25, 2005. The birth of our first child, Montana, who has continued to awe and amaze us ever since we first layed eyes on her beautiful tiny self.
5. Finding the Episcopal Church and then finding ways to stay with her always through vocational ministries like Youth Director and now the priesthood potential.
6. May 15, 2007 (not the 12th!) the birth of our second child, Gretchen, who continues to bewilder us with how similar yet different she is from her elder sister.
7. Counseling, friends, family, and strangers who've all helped us learn better ways to communicate and deal with conflict. I attribute or bickering to neither of us liking to be told what to do or that we're wrong, even when we need to be or are!
8. Who you are today, Christian Baron, is a highlight. The wounds you have from church should've landed you in the house of an atheist, but you persevered for your greater love of Jesus, and God is healing your spirit. He is renewing a passion in you to bring about HIS kingdom here on earth through the Gospel of our Lord. And now those wounds are turning into scars, each with there own very important and unique story.
I never thought I would have a husband for 7 years, let a lone a friend for over 8. You are my rock, my love, my hope for a better life to come tomorrow than what was yesterday.
Our marriage is good. And I am happy with my choice of you.
Thanks be to God for Christian Baron.
Happy Anniversary.

Erik Racine said...

Wow, feel like I'm peeking in on something here. (sort of like Christian's #1). Anyway, good to read your blogs across the living room. Someone has the last name Wondergerm? oops gem. All this sappy talk makes me want to go fishin'

Glad to hear you guys are thankful for each other and I have never heard you bicker...

Erik Racine said...

Happy Anniversary too!

journey of the discontent said...

1. I wish we could do our wedding over again. sex was fun.
2. agreed. a very fun trip. bonds were formed that will never be broken... unless things get bad or we move away.
3. GR was a good move. living in the city has been good and also challenging. Founders and lighthouse were great too.
4. you have MO's birthday wrong. it was Sept. 23. Michael Jordan's number remember?
5. agreed agin. we just fit in there eh?
6. isn't gretta's birthday may 12?
7. I attribute our bickering to you not submitting to the head of our household.
8. those are kind words. The only reason I made it is because of you.

journey of the discontent said...

Erik- peek in anytime.
I'll go fishing with you anytime. seriously. May seems so far away. Jay and I have been planning on making a lot of beer to take over there. get ready for a PARTY!

Jodi said...

that is so funny...i can't ever remember mo's dob & you can't gretta's. lub you