Thursday, July 10, 2008

Story Time

Today I read stories to high school and middle school youth from my church. Well, it wasn't really "stories", but a part of a story. I am very inspired since my mission trip and started a book study with my kids to get them excited about serving each other this next year at youth group. We are reading Donald Miller's book Blue Like Jazz. It is very good. I have read it several times and am still amazed every time I read it.

So, I got a rocking chair out, made some cookies and got some millk out. The kids sat around and listened to me read two chapters of a book. Some of them made artsy things and some of them just sat and listened. It was very beautiful. They seemed to really enjoy being read to.

We talked about how we imagine God to be like. Is he white? fat? loud? angry? etc. Some people drew pictures of God. We also talked about "sin nature". Miller seems big on this. I'm not sure of The Episcopal Churchs' stance on the original state of humans with their/our sin, but I must say I flip flop. It's not important I guess though. I agree that we are all broken and need to try to become whole or whole-er.

I'm excited for chapters 3-4 next Wed.


Anonymous said...

Christian, I love Blue Like Jazz. And I have you to thank for first telling me about it. I hope your youth like it. But what do you think of this:

It made me a little bit nauseous.
Let me know what you think.


Jodi said...

I thought the story time was GREAT! I so love this book though. It's such a great story. I know what you mean, Wayne. When I first heard about I thought, "Sell out!" then I read that article you posted and it kinda makes sense. It IS a great story and I see it kinda being played out like Wonder Years or Stand By Me, with a narrator in the background and different segments of the essays highlighted. I'll likely check it out next year when it's released. I doubt Miller would let a crappy version of his work go out though...maybe it'll a first in the Christian Movie industry????

journey of the discontent said...


I guess we can only hope they don't go through with it. or did they already. hopefully it will be as big a hit as the michael w smith movie they talk about. Christian's are sooo stupid. what is wrong with us?

you had to ruin my day wayne.

i saw your wife the other day. did she tell you?

Anonymous said...

Christian, Yeah Erin did tell me. Sorry to ruin your day :)But yeah it kind of disgusted me too. Hopefully it wont be as bad as it sounds.

Jodi, that is so funny because I was just talking about it with a friend about how it would have to play out like the wonder years or something.