Saturday, June 02, 2007

Bawk! Bawk!

We got chickens. Friday we bought 4 new pets. We will eat their eggs. I wish I had a digital camera so I could show you the work I put into prepping our yard. Mo loves them and liked chasing them when they got out. The cops told me to get rid of them when I was chasing them around the neighborhood. But I'm a rebel. I gave the cop the finger and told him to get rid of his own chickens.
We are hopefully going to have lots of eggs. So far we have collected 2 and they have laid at least 3. (They ate one I think ). Apparently chickens will eat anything. Some people say they are better than pigs for disposing of wasted food. We really like them.


White Rabbit said...

i think that's great. You are full of surprises. That's one of the things i like about you. i want to come by and check 'em out.

journey of the discontent said...

We aren't speaking Keith because you blocked me from your blog. I thought we were friends.

Come by any time and I'll give you fresh eggs.

Jodi said...

4 now...

Catarina Wanderlust said...

i love that picture. i wish i could have some chickens but we live on a very busy road. the hubster worries they'd get out... what a mess that would be. congrats on your ever growing family. -cat

Anonymous said...

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgement. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you wish to have no fear of the authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive its approval; for it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for the authority does not bear the sword in vain! It is the servant of God to execute wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be subject, not only because of wrath but also because of conscience. For the same reason you also pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, busy with this very thing. Pay to all what is due to them—taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due. (Romans 13:1-7).

Christian, I love you man and I say this with a smile still on my face, laughing at the fact that you actually got chickens and even more so that you blogged about it. And of all of the evils in the world having chickens is by far the lesser of many, many evils, perhaps the least of all evils. However, I do have to be a conscientious objector and say that if having chickens in your back yard is indeed against state or city ordinances and if abiding by this ordinance does not jeopardize you survival or faith it is indeed still an evil. :)


Steve said...

Sweet, maybe now you can answer an age-old question for me...

Why is it that the eggs at Meijer come in 3 sizes, Large, Extra Large and Jumbo? How can "Large" be the smallest size? Shouldn't the smallest size be "small?" And what the heck is up with "Jumbo" are these eggs coming from chickens are or are they coming from Shrimp or something? (Or an elephant maybe, wasn't Dumbo's mom named Jumbo? I know YOUR MOM was named Jumbo! OOOOH!)

daN said...

This is a slippery slope you're on...first you have then for "food", next thing you know you're raising the neXt "Little Jerry Seinfeld".

Cock fighting is illegal...and you can't just give the finger when you have to bury a dead chicken...or pay your excessive gambling debt, because you put your kids college fund on the line because you"knew" Little Jerry was a winner.

It's too late, Christian.

Game Over.

journey of the discontent said...

Wayne- you have got to be kidding me. Are you serious that you think that having chickens is wrong? You are a total rule follower. It's time to get off the grid wayne. We need to rebel against the government and it's oppression. Start by getting some chickens.

Steve- Was that an ovullation joke about my mother? What the hell is wrong with you?

Dan- I see enough cock-fighting at work. (for those of you who don't know, some of the guys at work have roosters and always want to let them fight and gamble over who will win. Not something we can negotiate on!)

Jodi said...

Christian,I agree with a pastor in our life who said "I definitely think there are some things in life that require a little civil disobedience." I wish we could have kept them, I'm sorry you did all that work and now they're gone:(
Wayne, we did research the subject and found both that it was permissible and impermissible. Judging by the police officer's response though, we determined it was impermissible and gave them to a good home where they could be free:) Plus, what's worse: braking an ordinance in our city or buying our produce & meat from over 2000 miles away? It was our way of keeping it local and giving the finger to the Corporation that is infesting our marketplace like a plague of locusts.

daN said...

You know, in a way, I was looking forward to a home-brew cock fight night...too bad you caved to THE MAN.

sorry about the chickens. I had chickens when I was growing up, and I know what it's like to lose them. First you name them, you're holding 'em, bonding and then...BOOM. Dad's sharpening his axe and "little jerry's" head is on the block and his body is flopping around the yard and the next thing you know to hits Bill in the legs.

Quite the experience for the kids.

sorry their gone.

Steve said...

Christian, you should know by now what's wrong with me?

Actually, I don't think that made any sense either...