Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Camino de Santiago

I am in the beginnning stages of planning a trip to Spain for the youth of my church. The trip will be a religious pilgramage that pilgims have been walking for over a thousand years. James, the son of Zebedee, apparently is buried in Santiago which is where the pilgrimage ends. It is also the Western "end of the world" for all during the middle ages. The plan would be to take about 6-8 youth to Spain to walk 100 km of the walk. The trail is actually much longer, but you need 100 km in order for it to officially be a pilgrimage. We'll also do some other sightseeing, butthe walk will take about 6 or 7 days. I'm enjoying the beginning stages of the plan.


Jodi said...

i like how you're calling it a "walk..."

Catarina Wanderlust said...

that sounds like a lot of fun. wish i could join you guys!

Anonymous said...

I would love to get together for a beer. I have left a reply in the comments on my blog about the Bono thing. I hope it hepls better explain where I am coming from.

This trip you are planning sounds great. I hope to hear more about it.

daN said...
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White Rabbit said...

What a great idea. i'm glad you're able to do this type of trip. i wonder if my congregation would understand how worthwhile this type of thing is, or if they would prefer to see them feed people for week and leave them figuring out what they are going to do for food the rest of the year when the group isn't around. This makes a lot of sense and is also a life altering experience.

rachermobile said...

can i go

journey of the discontent said...

JOdi- these boots were mae for walkin.

Cat- thanks for poppin in again. I like it that you read my blog.

Wayne- I'll tell you all you want to know about Spain when we get that beer.

Keith- agreed. I wonder about short term missions often. They often seem to be in place of a lifestyle of social justice.

Rachel- sure you can go. Do you speak Spanish?