Monday, June 25, 2007

Nick and Baby Smiles

My friend nick got married this weekened. He is one of my bestest friends and I was happy to see him get to marry such a wonderful woman. Here are a few thoguhts about the event and the sub-events surrounding it.
1. His bachelore party was fun. We went camping. They had this game called "corn hole" or something though that may have been a made-up name to make me look stupid.
2. The rehearsal was fun. The wedding was at a church in Holland. This church was very beautiful. Sort of. It was also kind of repulsive. Very large and lots of grass and ponds and water fountains. I know you also have to sign a waiver stating you won't drink, or smoke, or swear, or vote democrat or stray from Jesus view of homosexuals. That's all true except for most of it.
3. The wedding was very nice. I did do something really stupid though. I always try to be a smart ass and try to make people laugh. During one of the photos we were not supposed to laugh. So I said, "just think about the war". That made everybody laugh... except the Vet fresh home from Iraq. He's a good guy and I wish I could have talked with him more though. Mayeb just to prove that I'm not a total a-hole. NIck wrote a speail song to his Katie. Nice weddings where you know people love each other make me think about Jodi and how much I love her. This was one of those weddings.
4. At the reception, Gretta smiled at me. It probably was because of my sharp and whitty sense of humor. Or.. because it felt good to poop. Who knows for sure?
5. My friend Erik is coming from Chicago this weekend. We are going salmon fishing. I'm stoked.
6. We have been getting peppers for a while now. I brought some over to the Somali family. They weren't very friendly. I also brought them eggs.


Jodi said...

You're randomly funny and I love you.

Catarina Wanderlust said...

It really is called corn-hole. I love that game!

Unknown said...

That's funny, we played a game called corn-hole the night of our wedding too....

thank you for being in my wedding. i like how much you and the Jodster love each other. You are good examples. thanks. i'm ave very glad we are friends, even though sometimes im not always a good friend, like when i take years to come to your blog site. but, that is just vintage nicholas, isn't it now? just vintage nicholas